How to tie your belt step by step.
This page shows you how to tie your taekwondo belt step by step with pictures and video that you can simply follow to practice.
How to tie your taekwondo belt step by step with pictures.
Step 1 – Step 6 useful guidelines with picture description.
Step 1
Tie your belt once around your waist. There should be a belt across your stomach and both the Left End and Right End of the belt hanging at your sides.
Step 2
Take the Left End of your belt and cross it over the Right End of your belt.
Step 3
Flip the Left End under both the Right End AND the belt around your stomach.
Step 4
The Left End should be sticking up. Now take that and bend in downwards so that it hangs over your belts.
Step 5
Now take the Right End and pull it over the Left End (that’s hanging downwards) and then under it, pulling it so that both ends tie together in a knot.
Step 6
Pull the ends firmly so that the knot is secure. Both ends of the belt should be at an equal length.